Born in 1952, Andrew George graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 1974. Recently his paintings have come to be seen as part of the tradition of Scottish realist art, a tradition that goes back to the 18th century. The purchase of a major painting by the Fleming Collection of Scottish Art, London in 2005 recognised George within this history.
Andrew is one of a small number of artists who use egg tempera. The medium only allows the application of small amounts of pigment at any one time. It disallows the grand painterly gesture as the egg often dries too quickly on the brush. As with the paintings of the early Renaissance artists who used this medium, egg tempera produces a rare luminosity. Andrew paints the Mendip Hills, Dorset's Coastline, the Gower, and the hills of Scotland. On first impression his paintings are finely detailed - they are incredibly well observed. Yet on closer inspection passages of paint are almost abstract, where the detail is more impressionistically suggested. The landscapes are selected for their sense of the sublime.
Since moving to Somerset in the early 1980s George has exhibited regularly in the West Country.
Selected Group Exhibitions:
Nevill Gallery, Bath 1984/5/6
Anthony Hepworth, Bath 1997/8
RA Summer Exhibition, London 2002
Portal Gallery, London 2007/8/9
His awards include:
Millfield Open, Street 1999
South West Arts, Exeter 2000
Royal West of England Academy, Annual, Bristol 2000
Fleming- Wyfold Art Foundation, London
Dorset & Whitney, London